Green Aspect for Refrigerant
EU strengthen F-Gas Regulation introduced 2014. We are active on that scenario for future.
Phase down scenario of HFC
EU strengthen F-gas Regulation introduced 2014.
New EU F-gas Regulation aims prevention of emissions and reduction the use of higher GWP F-gases.
Key elements
- Phase down approach;
- Quota allocation;
- Restrictions on the placing on the market;
- Traceability of HFC contained in pre-charged equipment.
Fuji Furukawa Engineering & Construction work on the reduction of HFC with innovative efforts
HFC phased reduction (Article 15, phased reduction from 2015) CO2 conversion (Compared with the production and import quantity from 2009 to 2012)

Road to 2025
From 2025, single split A/C containing less than 3 kg of F-gas (GWP>= 750) will be banned.
As our investigation and evaluation, Fuji Furukawa Engineering & Constructrion think R32 is best balanced alternative gases. We will gradually adopt R32 for our product range.

- Montreal Protocol: This protocol specifies ozone-depleting substances (8 kinds) for the purpose of regulating production, consumption, and trading of those substances. Currently, the protocol has been ratified by 197 countries.
- Kyoto Protocol: The target amount of greenhouse gas emission (CO2, methane, NO, HFC, PFC, and SF6) was determined to be 5% reduction among the entire number of advanced countries.
Approach to New Energy Efficiency Standard
Подход към новия стандарт за енергийна ефективност
Fuji Furukawa Engineering & Construction following The EU Climate Action Plan 20/20/20 by 2020
20% LESS Primary Energy Use
Fuji Furukawa Engineering & Construction products with high efficiency and therefore low electricity input and low primary energy usage
20% LESS CO2 Emissions
Fuji Furukawa Engineering & Construction products sharply following the F-gas regulation 842/2006/EC
20% SHARE of Renewable Energy
Fuji Furukawa Engineering & Construction promoting air sourced heat pumps as renewable energy source heating systems
Pursuit of Energy Saving Taking Actual Operation into Consideration
he heat load varies greatly depending on the time and season. However, the operation ratio EER or COP up to now has been calculated based on the rated value and the annual operating hours per outdoor temperatures was not taken into consideration.
For this reason, SEER and SCOP* have been made the standard in terms of actual operating hours throughout the year.
SEER = Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio;
SCOP = Seasonal Coefficient of Performance.
Fuji Furukawa Engineering & Construction provides air conditioners with higher SEER and SCOP.
SEER and SCOP are indexes that express the annual energy efficiency calculated based on the regulations of (EU) 626/2011

Energy Efficiency Classifications
For Air Conditioners
New Energy Labelling Requirement 626 / 2011 / EU:
Our models have reached the "Class A" ranking, the highest energy efficiency level that is now shown on energy labels in Europe.
Current Energy Label

- Performance notation based on multiple points calculations that better matches the actual operation
- Energy labelling revision;
- Raising of the "Class A" level;
- Three climate zone for heating:
(Average zone: mandatory)
(Warmer and colder zone are optional); - Seasonal efficiency;
- Sound power level.
New Energy Label

Gradual ranking regulation up to A+++ (2013 - 2019)
- 2013: A, B, C, D, E, F, G;
- 2015: A+, A, B, C, D, E, F;
- 2017: A++, A+, A, B, C, D, E;
- 2019: A+++, A++, A+, A, B, C, D.
* Enforcement on January 1, 2013 Air conditioners below 12 kW

Current Energy Labelling Points
Rated Efficiency
- Full capacity
- One point temperature condition

Annual efficient operation
Seasonal efficiency
- Integrates part load capacity.
- Optimised for several rating temperatures.
Operating power consumption

Reduce total power consumption
Total power consumption
- Operating power consumption
- Standby power consumption
- Crank case heater
- Thermo off
Sound pressure level

Low noise products
Sound power level
New criteria